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Reading Activities

Four Corners

1. The teacher creates four cards with vocabulary words but leaves one word off each card.
2. Four students stand up and the teacher says “1,2,3, go!” Then, each student races to a different card.
3. The teacher shuffles the vocabulary cards and chooses one. If the students have that word they point to it and if they don’t they leave the game.
4. This continues until there is only one player left in the game, earning four points for their team. Second place earns three, and so on…
5. If both students have that word the teacher reshuffles and chooses another card.

Sentence Race

1. The teacher writes or prints the sentences out for each team then cuts them into one word pieces.
2. The teacher hands out the sentences to each team then says “1,2,3, go!”
3. Students race to be the first team to arrange their sentence in the correct order.
4. Teams raise their hands when their sentences are completed and the teacher checks to see if they are correct. The first team earns 4 points, the second 3, and so on…

Guess the Word

1. The teacher begins to write letters from the vocabulary word on the board.
2. The first student to guess the word correctly earns a point for their team.

Faceoff (Reading)

1. The teacher creates cards with vocabulary words written out.
2. Two students stand with their backs to each other and the teacher hands each a word card.
3. The teacher says “1,2,3” and the students turn around to face each other and look at the other player’s card.
4. The first student to say the vocabulary word on the other student’s card earns a point for their team.

Throw the Ball (Reading)

1. The teacher creates cards with vocabulary words written out.
2. The teacher places cards in front of boxes.
3. Two students stand behind a line facing the vocabulary words and boxes.
4. The teacher says a vocabulary word and throws the balls to students.
5. Students race to the line and try to throw their ball into the correct box first to earn a point for their team.

Slap Game (Reading)

1. The teacher creates cards with vocabulary words written out.
2. The teacher mixes the word cards while two students face the other direction.
3. The teacher says one of the vocabulary words.
4. Students turn around and the first to slap the correct card earns a point for their team.

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