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Listening Activities

Slap Game

1. Two students come to the front of the room and turn their backs away from the teacher and vocabulary cards.
2. The teacher mixes the vocabulary cards.
3. The teacher says a vocabulary word within the learned sentence.
4. Students turn around and the first to slap the correct vocabulary card earns a point for their team.

Throw the Ball

1. The teacher places vocabulary cards in front of boxes.
2. Two students stand behind a line facing the boxes and vocabulary cards.
3. The teacher says a vocabulary word within the learned sentence and throws the ball to students.
4. Students race to the line and try to throw their ball into the correct box first to earn a point for their team.

Memory Race

1. Two students come to the front of the room and study the vocabulary cards placed by the teacher.
2. The students turn around and the teacher flips the vocabulary cards over.
3. The teacher says a vocabulary card within the learned sentence.
4. The students turn around and slap the card they believe to be correct.
5. The teacher tells the students to flip over their cards to see who the winner is, earning a point for their team.


1. The teacher places vocabulary cards on the ground across the room from students.
2. The teacher says a vocabulary word within the learned sentence to two students.
3. Students race to find the correct vocabulary card first to earn a point for their team.

Touch Your Face Race

1. The teacher says a vocabulary word within the learned sentence as students listen with their hands behind their backs.
2. Students race to touch the body part said by the teacher. If the teacher uses a plural they must touch both.

Double Ball Toss

1. The teacher places vocabulary cards in front of two sets of boxes on different sides of the classroom.
2. Two students stand behind a line facing the boxes and vocabulary cards while their partners stand behind another line facing different boxes and vocabulary.
3. The teacher says two vocabulary words (one from each set of boxes) within the learned sentence and throws the ball to the first pair of students.
4. The first two students race to get their ball into the correct box.
5. Once they get the ball into the first box their partner retrieves the ball and races to get it into the correct second box to earn a point for their team.

School Supply Race

1. The teacher arranges school supplies across the room from the students.
2. The teacher says two vocabulary words and a preposition within the learned sentence.
3. Students race to arrange the school supplies correctly and raise their hands when finished, earning a point for their team.

Draw a Monster


1. Give each team a large sheet of paper and markers/crayons.
2. Students will take turns drawing as the teacher says (for example) “She has 7 eyes.” placing an emphasis on the “s” sound of each word.
3. The teacher will repeat this for all of the Face 1 (Singular) vocabulary words.
4. When the monsters are completed the teacher will hang them on the wall.

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